Financing Institution: Ministry of Education and Science of Republic of Bulgaria Title of the project: Distributed infrastructure of centers for production and research of new materials and their applications for conservation, access and e-storage of artifacts (archaeological, folklore)Period: from 2018Contact person from IOCCP-BAS: Prof. Pavletta ShestakovaOfficial site
Title of the project: Competence center "Sustainable utilization of bio-resources and waste from medicinal and aromatic plants for innovative bioactive products", BG05M2OP001-1.002-0012-C01Financing Institution: Executive Agency “Programme Education” acts as a Managing Authority of the Operational Programme “Science and Education for Smart Growth” 2014-2020Period: 30 March 2018 – 30 November 2023Contact person from IOCCP-BAS: Prof. DSc Vladimir Dimitrov
Title of the project: "National Center for Mechatronics and Clean Technologies", BG05M2OP001-1.001-0008Financing Institution: Executive Agency “Programme Education” acts as a Managing Authority of the Operational Programme “Science and Education for Smart Growth” 2014-2020Period: 28 February 2018 – 31 December 2023Contact person from IOCCP-BAS: Prof. DSc Margarita Popova
Title of the project: Competence center "Clean technologies for a sustainable environment - water, waste, energy for a circular economy" (Clean&Circle), BG05M2OP001-1.002-0019Financing Institution: Executive Agency “Programme Education” acts as a Managing Authority of the Operational Programme “Science and Education for Smart Growth” 2014-2020Period: 30 March 2018 – 30 November 2023Contact person from IOCCP-BAS: Prof. DSc Pavlinka Dolashka
Title of the project: Innovative low-toxic biologically active means for precision medicine (BioActivMed)Financing Institution: ÌMinistry of Education and Science of Republic of Bulgaria Period: December 2021Contact person from IOCCP-BAS: Prof. DSc Pavlinka DolashkaOfficial site
Title of the project: Low-carbon energy for transport and household - EPLUSFinancing Institution: Ministry of Education and Science of Republic of Bulgaria Period: 31 December 2020Contact person from IOCCP-BAS: Prof. DSc Margarita PopovaOfficial site
Title of the project: Healthy foods for a strong bioeconomy and quality of lifeFinancing Institution: Ministry of Education and Science of Republic of Bulgaria Period: December 2021Contact person from IOCCP-BAS: Prof. Vassya Bankova, DSc, corr. member of BASOfficial site
Name of the program: VIHREN National Scientific ProgrammeTitle of the project: Harnessing non-covalent assemblies for regiocontroled catalysis: distal C-H functionalisation for high-value product streams (ReCat4VALUE)Financing Institution: Ministry of Education and Science of Republic of Bulgaria; Bulgarian National Science Fund Duration in Months: 60 monthsLeader of the research project: Assoc. Prof. Svilen Simeonov
Title of the project:Period:Supervisor:Official site: