The preparation Neprolysin was created in IOHCF-BAS by a team of scientists led by Prof. Petar Nedkov. The main ingredient of the product is the proteolytic enzyme subtilisin DI. The enzyme breaks down proteins and is produced by the microorganism Bacillus subtilis. By studying the properties of the enzyme and looking for new possibilities for its application, the researchers were able to stabilize it in solution at room temperature. The enzyme is converted into a suitable gel. Hard-to-heal wounds are treated using this gel. The enzyme dissolves damaged cells, pus, necrotized tissue and fibrin deposits, sparing healthy tissue.
In 1980 an author's certificate for invention was issued and in 1999 - a patent for an enzymatic preparations for purification of necrotic and purulent wounds. The product has passed the tests of the Commission for approval of medicines and is applied by the doctors of Military Medical Academy, Aleksandrovska University Hospital, "N.I. Pirogov", many polyclinics in Sofia and in the country.
The product can be purchased from the Institute (blok 9, lab ¹3). Contact persons: Plamen Hristov and prof. Petar Nedkov
(+359 2) 9606 174 and (+359 2) 9606 192
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Analysis of organic and inorganic chemicals, archeological samples, paintings, murals, icons, natural and food products, oils, fuels, construction and polymeric materials
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(+359 2) 9606 150
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Ivan Angelov
(+359 2) 9606 176
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(+359 2) 9606 183
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Structure determination and authentication of natural products
In organic chemistry, biochemistry, life science, new materials and technologies. NMR spectroscopy is used to characterise organic compounds, natural and food products, medicines