Research interests

Chromatographic and spectrometric analyses of lipids are performed, mostly of fatty acids, acylglycerols and sterols in eddible fats and oils, food supplements, pharmaceutical and cosmetic products.

Original studies of the mechanism of the chromatographic process in systems in silver ion or reversed phase modes are conducted with the aim to solve contemporary lipid chemistry problems such as analysis of structured lipids in functional foods, characterisation of the origin of edible fats and oils and assessment of their quality, including detection of adulteration and low quality or illegal edible oils production.

Kinetics and mechanism of lipid oxidation and the effects of different factors are studied. Various combinations of kinetic, spectral, chromatographic and theoretical approaches are applied for studying the structure-activity relationship of natural antioxidants and their synthetic analogues. Simulation of lipid oxidation kinetics in absence and in presence of prooxidants, antioxidants and surfactants are presented. Reactions of antioxidants� regeneration during the lipid oxidation process are studied. Role of different lipid micro-components alone and in mixtures are studied aiming to find a synergism as well as of different surface active components, for studying the peculiarities of oxidation process in presence of reverse micelles. Joint research projects with Russia, Poland, India, Italy and Spain.

Oxidative changes in different types of oils at different temperature conditions are investigated. The possibilities for increasing the oxidation stability of lipids by using natural antioxidants and their mixtures, spices and plant extracts are studied.



Assoc. Prof. Dr. Svetlana Momchilova

02 9606 135
Name Room Phone �-mail*
Assoc. Prof. Svetlana Momchilova, PhD, Head 506 135 Svetlana.Momchilova
Assoc. Prof. Daniela Antonova, PhD 107 164 Daniela.Antonova
Assist. Prof. Adriana Kazakova, PhD 501 187 Adriana.Kazakova
Kamelia Gechovska, chemist 107 164 Kamelia.Gechovska
Sabina Taneva, chemist 520 159 Sabina.Taneva
Viktor Markuliev, chemist 107 164
Prof. Vessela Kancheva, PhD 502 187 Vessela.Kancheva


Selected group publications(Q1)


Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 98,
Protective effects of new antioxidant compositions of 4- methylcoumarins and related compounds with DL-a-tocopherol and L-ascorbic acid